Some people say that the first impression is decisive, and if it is true I must have been trully disappointed with Java.

Actually I have been.

I came from the Microsoft C# edge and by far I’m not judging their way of explaining things easier, but the way Java keep forcing you to dirty your hands with silly repetitive codes and the way the community say to you “If you don’t like, go back to VB” help you when you try to explain your doubts is not the easiest way of hearing a Hello. Read the rest of this entry »

Hello world!

February 6, 2008

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!

I was looking for a way of practising my english and came to me that it could be a good idea to have a blog written in English talking about some subjects I like, just for fun. So if you see some concepts of OOP posts between posts about Aldous Huxley’s books or brazilian music don’t panic.

Hope you enjoy.

Or at least understand it.